Why Hire a Professional to Install a Corner Gutter?

by | Apr 9, 2022 | Gutters

A professional installing a corner gutter overlaid with text

Corner gutters are an essential part of your home drainage system – when not installed properly, your home will be highly vulnerable to water damage. And when water damage occurs, costly repairs pile up while your property value goes down. That’s why hiring a professional corner gutter installer is crucial.

Here, we’ll show you what makes gutter installation so tricky. We will also list the different types of gutter corner miters and the importance of hiring professional gutter installers to install them.

Table of Contents:

The Troublesome Inside Corner Gutter

There are a lot of factors you need to consider when installing a gutter system. You need to be mindful of the size of your roof, its pitch, and how much rainfall you get every year. These factors will determine which type of gutter you should have installed.

One aspect that people often forget about is gutter corners. Gutter corners, known as gutter miters, are one of the reasons gutter installation is better in the hands of professionals. Gutter miter choice and proper installation are prone to leakage when taking the DIY approach. 

Leakages will end up causing water damage to your home. However, homeowners often disregard them as they don’t cause immediate damage. Only when the damage has caused mold and rot will it become apparent, but by that time, it’s too late for cheap remedies such as simple gutter corner adjustment. 

Gutter Solutions for Corner Gutters

There are three types of gutter miters that you can install: box, strip, or hand-crafted. They have their pros and cons. But in general, the hand-crafted solution tends to be the best because of its seamless design. It is essential to understand what they all bring to the table to choose what works best for you. Let’s look into each individually:

Box Miters

First on the list is the box miter. This miter is a premade piece that fits both ends of a corner. It is the cheapest and easiest to install option. 

However, you have to be mindful of what size you’ll buy, especially for older gutter systems. Box miters require extra attention when sealing around the seams. There’s a higher chance of leaks when it is not one seamless piece. You also have to ensure that they fit securely to the corner with screws or rivets.

Strip Miters

Next in line is the strip miter. This miter is a piece of aluminum bent at a 90-degree angle. 

Same with the box miters, it has a single seam design which means fewer chances of leaking. But it’s easier to fit into a corner than a box miter, and you can paint it to match your home’s exterior design. Plus, it is less prone to issues such as gutter expansion that come with the temperature.

One downside to the strip miters is that they are harder to install. They also require more sealing than a custom solution.

Hand-Crafted Miters

Finally, we have the hand-crafted miters. These are customized to fit the corners of your home. They use tabs that secure them to the inner surface of the corner gutter. This option is least likely to cause any leak. It is the best choice if you want a long-lasting solution that fits the design of your home.

However, it does not come without downsides. For one, they are hard to install. A hand-crafted gutter will almost certainly require professional help. On the flip-side, they require less maintenance and will increase the longevity of your home.

Infographic of the different corner gutter solutions

Best Gutter Installer in Norton Shore

If you are looking for professional gutter corner installers in Norton Shores, look no further than Shepherd Shoreline. We provide seamless solutions for gutters, gutter corners, and gutter covers. We work with homes and businesses, and we build our gutters on-site with special machinery to match your needs.

Not only that, thanks to our gutter cover installation services, we can help you maintain your existing gutters. The maintenance of gutters will prevent twigs, leaves, and other debris from clogging up your gutters.

Closing Up

Improperly installed corner gutters will only lead to leaks and headaches. Not to mention these leaks lead to costly damages that are difficult to identify without professional assessment. The moment you consider them as serious, it’s already too late. So do yourself a favor and work with a professional gutter installer. Just give us a call at 231-780-2847 or leave us a message here. We will provide you with the best gutter solution.

Contact Us

Address: 2788 McCracken Street, Norton Shores, MI 49441

Phone: (231) 780-2847

Business Hours: Mon – Fri, 8AM – 5PM

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